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Search results for plants in the category Shrubs
This attractive plant is popular for its steel-blue foliage and fine textured twigs that are purplish in the winter, adding interest in the winter landscape.
Striking foliage in glowing tones of orange, yellow and gold. Delicate white blooms are produced in spring, and fall foliage is highlighted with tones of red and purple, making this ninebark appealing over the entire season.
Attracts Birds, Easy Care, Fall Color, Waterwise.
Reddish new growth matures to deep red-purple foliage that holds its color reliably all summer whereas others take on brownish tones later in the season. Pinkish-white flowers bloom in spring and foliage turns deep purple in fall.
Bright yellow leaves, beautiful white blooms in spring and orange fall color, this compact shrub is a multi season wonder in cool and moderate climates.
Striking bicolor flowers that display shades of orange and red radiating from the center of the flower petal over a base color of deep yellow. The red of the flowers intensifies during cooler weather.
Straight Talk® is narrow and upright. It can be used as vertical accent or grouped for hedging. In addition to being cold hardy and drought-tolerant, it’s easy to grow in a wide range of soils and tolerates urban conditions.
In spring, double pink, fragrant flowers smother the plant in color. Soft green foliage turns a good burgundy in the fall.
True fire engine red flower on a hardy azalea for northern gardens. Fiery red in early spring blooming just after the fresh new foliage emerges.