Goode Greenhouses

Goode Greenhouses

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Search results for plants in the category Annuals
Zinnia Magellan Mix
Plant and flowers are very uniform. Double flowers continuously flower throughout the season. Used in containers or landscapes.
Zinnia Magellan Yellow
Plant and flowers are very uniform. Double flowers continuously flower throughout the season. Used in containers or landscapes.
Zinnia Profusion Cherry
Full, bushy, and covered with bright blooms all summer long, extending into fall in many climates. Remove old blooms to promote flowering.
Zinnia Profusion Mix
A short, mounding, self branching type, attracts butterflies. Tolerates heat, humidity, and has resistant to powdery mildew.
Zinnia Profusion Orange
Full, bushy, and covered with bright blooms all summer long, extending into fall in many climates. Remove old blooms to promote flowering.
Zinnia Profusion Yellow
Easy to grow and is tolerant of heat throughout the season.
Goode Greenhouses
1050 NE 50th Ave
Des Moines, Iowa 50313
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