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Search results for plants in the category Onions
Short day variety. Very popular sweet yellow variety. Moderately good keeper. 60-80 plants per bunch.
The ideal red variety for fresh eating or cooking, Red Candy Apple has a delicious flavor so sweet you can eat them raw, but will also add wonderful flavor to any recipe.
Patterson is a keeper—the longest-storing onion you can find. Well into winter, delight in the lasting bounty of straw-colored, globe-shaped 3 ½-4” bulbs with sweet, mildly pungent yellow flesh. Long after other onion varieties have gone soft, 'Patterson' is fresh, flavorful, and ready to be enjoyed.
Grown for the green tops. More disease resistant & quicker to grow than onion plants. 100 count bulbs.
Large, round, richly dark red to purple onions with a slightly pungent flavor. Long day, can store up to 8 months!
Neutral day variety. Very sweet. Salad bar mildness. Yellow. Not recommended for storage. 60-80 plants per bunch.
Grown for the green tops. More disease resistant & quicker to grow than onion plants. 100 count bulbs.